Why I Love My 928
Langdon Stevenson
While driving home recently I
got to thinking about why I love my 928 so much.
1. When your sitting in (whatever fast food
joint) looking out the window at your 928 in the parking lot,
its a beautiful sight.
2. When you get in you have a nice wide
unobstructed view. By contrast the ' A' pillars of a late model
(locally manufactured) vehicle I drove recently seem very narrow and obtrusive,
obstructing the view ahead.
3. When you put your foot down it not only
goes hard but sounds great as well. A modern six cylinder
Falcadore goes quite hard too but its a pretty sterile
experience. You just can't beat a V8.
4. You turn the wheel at low speed and there
is power assistance. You turn the wheel at high speed and there
is great feel. The late model (locally manufactured) vehicle had practically
no feel at all which
is seriously disconcerting at motorway speeds.
5. When you turn the wheel, even hard at
speed, you can feel the rigidity of the chassis. The late model
(locally manufactured) vehicle, and
my fathers late model (locally manufactured) vehicle by comparison seem to flex and
twist with every bump. I actually though there was something
wrong with this car, until I stopped to think about how
much less steel there probably is in it. No wonder the floor pan
felt like a wobble board!
6. Its comfortable to drive long distances.
This should be a given for any modern car bigger than a
"compact". However I was surprised to find a while
back that the leg room on the passenger side in a '99 5 series
BMW was awful. I rarely sit in the passenger side, but its nice
to know that your best mate is enjoying the ride too.
7. Race drivers and driving instructors love
8. 80 litre fuel tank (it just keeps goin' and
9. When you open up the bonnet you are
presented with a delightful looking piece of mechanical
engineering. Not just a load of plastic boxes and electronics
stuck all over what you have to assume is the engine.
10. Just turning corners a bit quickly with a
friend in the passenger seat is likely to impress them (and
leave them stuck to the side window or your shoulder).
11. Surprisingly large luggage space.
12. Utterly predictable handling. No nasty
surprises when the back end lets go or it starts to understeer.
13. Did I mention the brakes? Its only
a 928 S,
but it sure beat the heck out of anything else I have ever
driven, old or new (save for an S4). Great feel.
14. Whether or not you like automatics, the
auto in the 928 makes driving lots of miles around town, an easy
job. I would love a manual but there are times when I am
thankful for the auto.
15. And last but not least, they come in a
great range of colours and a price to suit (almost) every
People will say they would rather have a late
model Falcadore, because it will be cheaper to run and wont
break down etc. but if you look after your 928 then it may
not be more expensive, or less reliable at all. As my (bike)
mechanic said "hey, you get to drive around in a Porsche
928. Can't beat that!"
It's easy to become complacent about a car that
is so good in so many ways. I enjoy taking someone else's car
out for a drive now and then, just to remind myself how well
mannered and capable my 20 year old 928 really is. Happy driving
- Langdon '84
928 S
Langdon, well stated my
sentiments too!
Regards Doug H. '89 S4.
Lang - beautifully said. I can't disagree with any
comments but I think as well as the view from 'the fast food joint',
driving past a shopfront with full glass windows with the sun reflecting
off your car, the view is stunning!! Keep the faith. Roger H '89 S4
The faster you go, the smaller it seems to become,
and the more it glues itself down, and the better it tracks. This is quite
unlike almost everything else I've driven, which turn floaty at speed. Sturat
'84 928S.
Parking at the outer edge of shopping centre car
parks, ostensibly to stay away from potential dents but really so I
can spend more time looking at it as I walk back to the car. Mark
Yep, can't beat those plate glass windows.
I always feel cheated if I can't quite get the full profile in the
window reflection. Just an awesome profile. Mike '94 GTS
Seeing one on the road.. being transfixed by
it's beauty.. wishing I had one.. then remembering I do.. and
falling in love with it again! Nick '87 S4.