Congratulations for your nice website sharing passion of 928. You may know that we belong to amicale928
Dedication of the 928 - In rhyme!
For those who don't understand French,
I've just had hard time on the bench.
But it was a real pleasure,
To fit into this adventure!
Everyone knows what a shark is.
That we can find in most of seas,
And some may have seen the landshark,
Or just heard it if it was dark!
The roadshark is another type,
Most of the time without hype,
Because drivers know how to
Master the horsepower there too!
The raceshark is incredible,
Yet so quick and invisible.
Straight ahead or along the curves,
Without getting on the nerves!
Owning a shark is a passion,
That make one full of emotion.
Just by thinking how next drives,
Will fulfil his instants of lives!
This nickname of 928,
Car of the year 78.
Made by Porsche touching perfection,
Is one of the must in action!
And now best greetings from France,
Where we may have one day the chance.
To let the sharks talk together,
Or just compare one another!
Luami Creer & Christine, Regis, Emma & Robin.
Marine Blue, 928 S4
'88 Manual.
Toulouse, France.
For those who understand French,
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