Second Perth Frenzy
We organised the second Perth get together with a drive down to
We weren't too sure how the second one would go and how many people
would want to drive that far for the day - but Wow!! We had a total of
15 cars and 31 people!!
Almost everyone who attended the first frenzy came along (and the
couple that didn't make it said they were sorry to miss it), plus some
new owners. After distributing the shirts, caps & patches to people
that ordered them (thanks to Cec for his help) we explained the
landsharkoz group and promoted joining the Porsche Club WA, we headed
off down the Kwinana Autobahn.
First stop was the Macadamia Nut Factory with a short tour and free
samples, plus time to chat, enjoy a drink & educate the Factory
owner (and anyone else who would listen) about the 928.
Next stop was the Peel Estate Winery. Even though we were
booked in unfortunately a bus tour turned up unannounced so it was a bit
crowded but some of the dedicated managed to get in quick.
Whilst we were standing around talking a Ferrari turned up and he
started chatting to everyone. He said he couldn't believe his eyes
seeing so many Porsche's together. He has just set up a sports car
hire company and was checking out some of the places on the way down to
Mandurah. After a few subtle hints, he started offering some of
the guys a short run in the car! Unfortunately we didn't
have enough time for the sort of run some people wanted (Adelaide I
think...), but it still seemed an incredible coincidence. It
was interesting to hear Ray's comparison to his 928GTS - quite
impressive but nothing like the 928.
Last stop was the Stage Door Restaurant in Mandurah overlooking the
Inlet - a pleasant meal & great company. A few of us stayers
had a second dessert afterwards at Simmo's Ice-creamery before the party
broke up.
We are still amazed how so many people who don't know each other all
get along so well and all seem to have a passion about the 928.
The incredible sight of fifteen 928's against the backdrop of the river
and the city, plus the fantastic bunch of people, made this another wonderful
day out. - Gary & Mo Faas,
'87 S4 Perth, Western Australia.
