Darren Overend's '83S
As a 928 owner of a couple of years I've been amazed at the almost
complete lack of writing about the car in any sort of journal, paper or
It seems to me, as a car enthusiast of almost 45 years standing, the
pet subject of most journalists is either football or 911's or both .. (Ferrari's
not withstanding).
I'm delighted to read of some enthusiasm for a totally underrated car.
I've owned a couple of 911's, 15 to 20 years ago and at the time never
thought they were worth the money. However, the 928 is surely the
I read with interest some of your scribes advice about looking to buy a
928. My experience supports their advice entirely. I looked for a year all
over the country and in the end, only about a mile from where I live,
bought the best car. It belonged to a seventy five year old gentleman
(second owner) who became reluctant to drive it.
It's an '83 S with only 29,000 kilometres on the clock. Perfect
records. Perfect car. All the original stickers everywhere under the
bonnet. The car was and still is just superb. I bought it to drive to work
every day but soon reckoned it was too good.
So it is now "stabled" with other classic cars and driven for
pure enjoyment only about every 3 weeks. It has now just recorded 39,000
kilometres in nearly 20 years.
So there you are, another car in the fold! - Best Wishes, Darren Overend
'83 S
