24th & 25th August 2001
What a fantastic weekend for the QLD & NSW contingent of 928s'
One couldn't praise the efforts of the organisers highly enough, (Len +
Stuart, congratulations) accommodation was fantastic, go-karting great fun
and the company of like minded people and their respective families, what
more could you want.
Noted in someone's previous correspondence that the QLDs would be happy to
produce trophy and bring south next time, may as well leave it in NSW forever guys, its not going anywhere else if "Team Blue" have something to
say about it.
Also one would have to say that all who participated in the weekends events
were winners by the sheer fact that all had loads of fun, to watch Franknfurter stumble around the pits with that cheesy grin even after losing
races said it all, our teams motto was winners are grinners, don't know what
Franks was, maybe it was losers are grinners, it seemed to work for him, all
in all a fabulous weekend. - Regards to all Torsten
& Liz
(928 needs a bath after all that rain on the return run.)
Hi All
I had a fabulous run back. Went inland up through Kyogle on the
Summerland Way. Unlike the coast road - wide, smooth, NO TRAFFIC, and I cruised for most of the 450km.
Really showed up the other side of the shark's personality. Averaged 12L/100km for the trip.
The car really needed the cleanout because it felt better every 100km
that passed. Sharks do definitely like a good long uninterrupted run.
Even though I try to drive mine to minimise city running there must still
be opportunity for junk to build up in the heads. I'm almost tempted to say my beast has almost all of its sharpness
back, but DEFINITELY running well by any standards. My 5000km oil change period is up, and even after the 950k round trip
to Coffs, the oil colour is faintly on the dark side of honey. Wow!
Thanks again to LZee and StuRat for all their work, and to everyone
else for making the weekend what it was - fabulous. :)) - John C '89 S4
What a great weekend. Nice to meet all the men and women and children. Love your cars don't you guys!
Maybe the Queenslanders will take the challenge go-kart trophy next year. What a buzz that was driving those
little suckers.
Had a great trip back until I stopped for lunch, jumped in the beast and
zilch not a dicky bird. Figured it was a flat battery so rang a guy and waited for an
hour. He turned up with the right battery and said "..lets check the old
one.." He tested it and it checked out fine. "..Try and start
it.." he said and guess what? The bloody thing did!
I still can't figure out what was wrong with it. Maybe it was because the missus had thrashed
the crap out of it on her driving stint. Len you have a lot to answer for!
Ah well thems the breaks home safe and sound. - Cheers to all, Frank'N '83 928S
Well, I will start by thanking all that were responsible in
organising the weekend and those who attended, it was great to finally meet you all, so we can put faces to the names plus it was
good to see that there was family participation. The resort was a good call.
Now, concerning the racing at the Go-Kart track , it seems as though we Qlders should have lodged a protest with the track
official as to Lens kart having sooooo much power on launch the speed that his kart had on that last race was
unbelievable. Len were you eating chilli the night before? That may answer the high
speed burst.
Anyway it was a top day out and the Qld team went home knowing that the Blues threw every thing they had at us
(and some skull duggery) to make sure that they retained the trophy (Oops there's no trophy? we'll have to fix that!)
I move a motion that we organise a trophy for the next years rematch what do you all
think? We could organise the trophy up here in Qld and bring it down next year.
Hope you all had a safe trip home. For our trip back to SUNNY QUEENSLAND
we teamed up with John and Leisa, Dean and Brenda with John & Leisa parting off
to Mclean on the way home. - Cheers to all, Rob & Kim.
Hi all.
Just want to thank you all for a terrific
afternoon on Saturday from myself and Cameron. I believe NSW took out the event?
Sorry we couldn't be there for the dinner, will do better next time. David & Cameron
'83 928s (even more determined to be speed yellow)
What a great weekend!
Many thanks to Len and Stuart, who, aside from taking the time to organise
accommodation, meals and cart racing, dipped into their own pockets to provide the prizes!
(mmm nice bubbly it was too). We had a fantastic time.
Craig supplied name-tags which were really useful for people that don't know
each other.
Saturday went well at the go-carts, with everyone acquitting themselves
well - although few people could be seen trying to will the carts faster by
rocking backwards and forwards and whipping furiously... Stuart got some
amazing footage of his right foot interspersed with footage of other carts
from his patented 'helmet cam'. A combination of a full face helmet, a video
camera and the handyman's' secret weapon - duct tape!.
At the end of the session we took the 928s onto the track for a photo shoot.
Saturday night was a blast, although most people retired early as it had
been a strenuous day. Hands up those drivers whose arms aren't sore?
Olga had a great time and is still raving about the go-carts - I think that
I have created a monster!
Thanks also to everyone who made the effort and came along - it was great to
see so many people and catch up with the Queensland bunch again. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics from all of the other cameras there,
including video! I can't wait for the next run! -
Mark & Olga Edwards
'90 GT
Our thanks to the weekends
organisers, Janelle & I had a great time
and really enjoyed meeting a genuinely nice group of people with similar interests.
Had a good trip back, stopped off in Grafton to see friends then home in
time to snuggle into the lounge and jell out with the QLD 500! - Phil & Janelle Calnan '83 5spd
Hello everyone !
IT WAS A GREAT FRENZY Numero 9 ... What more to say. Christina and I are happy we didn't miss out on this
one. The carting was great fun and it was nice to meet everyone and have a chat.
We as everybody else, joining this frenzy, feel great gratitude to the people involved administrating the
trip so well. THANK YOU ALL! - Best Regards, Christian & Christina
Hi Folks,
Well how good was the frenzy? Absolutley
brillant! Julie and I met a
great bunch of folks and are looking forward to the next frenzy already! Stuart the go cart racing was great, well it was if you were
in team Dark Blue :-). I was with 2 other brillant drivers!
Len many thanks to your organizing the weekend. We wouldn't be a
group if we didn't have you! I am currently trying to find the time to edit the video footage and
pics and will post them soon.
The trip was interesting as I started to lose coolant. That made for
an eventfull trip home with stops every 100kms to top up the coolant. Turned out to be a 4 inch long heater hose.
Looking forward to the next frenzy! - Craig & Julie Bricknell '89 S4 Dark grey metallic
