Third NSW 928 Frenzy
20 & 21 November 2000
Jaq & Leonard, Ces, Stuart,
Bruce, Glenn & Alan, Hugo, Charles, Wendy & David, Aranka, Peter & Robyn.
This was always going to be a tough one. A weekend event, and a little too close to Christmas
Too many other commitments and appointments for the majority of people I thought,
but it was now or never. There had always been a quiet up swelling of support for a weekend event from a number of the
more radical elements within the group. Where-as it was always a good suggestion it would not be
so easy to organise. So it was a bit of a surprise to me that the organisation of this weekend fell into place.
The sharks were getting restless.
The weather report for the weekend looked good. So it was for the third time this year
we were heading towards the Sydney meeting point at Casula with bleary eyes and the travel
mug thankfully full with warm coffee.
Already at the Crossroads Carpark was Ces Hayes, minus Leonie who stayed behind to look
after her old and ailing pooch. Sorry to see that she is not attending but I understand
her position. Stuart Greaves, there with his customary doffing of the cap
greeting. His wife Jenny couldnt make it either so Stuart convinced Bruce Buchanan
to join him on this journey of adventure. Also this morning we lost Erik and Cesur through
various difficulties.
07:45 hours and time for six Sydney based 928s to hit the trail. After a long
period of fatalities and major road works the Hume Highway is now a fine two-lane highway.
After two uneventful hours we arrive safely at our first stop, Queanbeyan.
Joining us there for the rest of the weekend is David and Wendy Hammond from the ACT in their S4 and
for the first time Aranka Young who drove her 90 928 GT up from Melbourne. (I hear she may even consider bringing
her husband next time!) I think we can now officially name this an Australian 928 FRENZY. We almost had a
shark fan join us from Queensland, unfortunately at the last moment he was unable to make it.
Eight 928s soon left Queanbeyan far behind. We efficiently tracked out on our
journey towards the lunch appointment at the old Adaminaby Pub. The road to the snowfields
is also in the middle of being significantly upgraded to a two-lane separated highway. You
could see for many miles ahead where the bulldozers had ploughed their parallel lines
through the brown fallow fields next to the Cooma road.
We were soon coursing past Bunyan, the home of the Canberra Gliding Club flying field.
Gliding operations were well underway with one glider being towed back to the launch point
and a few more waiting their turn for a moment of silent flight. No time to stop to admire
their glistening white forms. A quick blast of the horn in salute as we drive on by
heading towards the township of Cooma and the Adaminaby turnoff.
....part two 
