New South Wales 928 Frenzy, 2nd May 1999 .. Part 1
Having spent many hours pouring over the 928 Rennlist mailing list
and reading the
various emails on the success of "Frenzies" in the United States I decided to broach
the idea of a local Frenzy of our own with fellow shark pilot Stuart Greaves.
Stuart readily agreed and from that point on the idea took shape.
A phone call to the Membership Secretary of the Porsche Club of New South Wales resulted
in a list of thirty five 928 owners. Some current, some past due membership. What evolved
next was an encounter with thirty people I had never met or spoken to (the rest I knew
from club meetings).
To make a long story short I found nearly everyone, even those who had sold their
shark, expressing great enthusiasm for the idea. Some actually regretted that they had
sold their shark and couldnt attend (how sad for them). So off this list I ended up
with around 12 interested participants.
With phone calls and emails being sent back and forth across the "ether" the
event was drawing near. The date was picked; WAY too soon for some (sorry bout
that!) and the event was set in motion.
F-day arrives
Jacky and I blearily rise out of our warm and cosy bed.
Jaq; "Are we really up this early?"
Len: "Yes we are
and the damn alarm didnt go off"
our early riser wide awake Border Collie leaped onto the bed and broke our gentle slumber
(damn dog)
"good dog!"
(damn dog)
We pack everything that was prepared the night before into our shark and head off into
the crisp and clear Sunday morning towards our pre-arranged meeting point at the
Cross-Roads Hotel, Liverpool.
With hardly any traffic about, we arrive too early (of course my fault) ...but I wanted
to be sure we were the first to greet ALL the sharks and their happy
owners. The day was shaping up well, azure blue skies giving hope for a successful event
(we weren't to be disappointed)
As we are about to discover this hotel is THE meeting point for car
clubs across the south western region of Sydney. Soon we have half a dozen examples of
Ford Escorts and Cortinas followed up a little later by 2 glorious Ford Cobras, one Black
one Midnight Blue.
Finally the familiar rumble of a V8; a PORSCHE V8! Cec and
Leonie Hayes arrive right on time, regular Club members and good acquaintances.
Shortly followed by Bruce Buchanan and his partner Chris.
Robert Havard and partner Helen ended up at another
hotel with a similar name on the Hume Highway at Strathfield (my bad) A few laughs and
general directions they were with us in no time.
So there we were; four stunning Porsches getting lots of envious looks from all the car
owners gathered round.
Time to hit the trail
Leonie and Cec had previously checked out the route for us a few days
earlier (thanks folks).
What followed was an absorbing back road tour through beautiful orange
and red autumn countryside, with the occasional stop to bring a point of interest to our
Hello breakfast!
In no time we were at our first destination on the inaugural frenzy; Berrima.
Breakfast was thoroughly enjoyed and we all had an opportunity to get to know each other a
little better. Being of German extraction herself our host was most pleased to see such
fine engineering outside her café. Ooh! You are RICH! she exclaimed as
she handed us the bill (I should have brought the sharks to her attention AFTER we
received the bill ..hehe! ..oh well)
End of part one... part two
